Being lost in thoughts is a challenge that you cannot escape easily however it can ruin you forever in your entire life for it's a condition that will be in your mind for a while. Once you get recogning move on at ease. A lot of pressure can build within your mind and heart its up to you to either be attracted to pressure or be repealed. Once you are attracted to it your done and you will be knocked in many ways in your life. You start thinking which road to take but it will not be easy for you for you will listen much words from many different people with different perception about you.
Feeling lost means you are lonely, no one you can talk to and no one sees your sensitive thoughts. The beauty of being in your own thoughts is seeing different from others,no one can bring you happiness if you don't want to, happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy and you will never feel lost again. Do what you can but don't do what other people want you to do, this will make you avoid people pressures.what your capable of doing will not lose in thoughts for you are encouraged you can! You will be free from thoughts and you will never regret it.
"When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures".this what makes the difference in your aware that all men are liers no one to trust, be your own seer for learning never stops, world will teach you many lessons each day and night as you get experience too. Base your thoughts not on worries but on seeing positivity and prosperity in your thoughts. Don't blink and think negative.
Take breath and learn to cherish yourself for no one will cherish you the way you could for yourself. Capture your moments well and endure all thoughts of your own if your of minds but if you are of hearts you must be careful not to let your thoughts guide you wrongly. Know at times you will experience being lost in thoughts. Learn how to let then be always good ones.
Too you should never have any thoughts about fall often comes after the pride for its true let what's constant remain the way it is.
Thank you for your attention and reading