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 Sueside is act of someone taking own life. This choice is against humanity for no one should take own life. Suecidal cases have increased in our society not only adults commit it but minors are also victims of this act. But why do people decide to take their own life? Some may do it because they are depressed to extend that they lose hope and meaningful of how their life is because they see it being a misery to them. Others decided to do so due to heart breaks from their partners whom they are dating. Others try to end their life for they are posessed by evil spirits while some just want to do it to end suffering in their lives.others try suecide due to long term use of hard drugs others due to rejection. Others are due to stigmatization in society 

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS (How do you know someone wants to commit suecide?)

One looks unhappy

One may isolate from other people 

Some seem restless and want to be close to their best friends  

Some would ulture that they will kill themselves and even admit it

Others may start strange behaviour of holding ropes and bottles of poisons.        


once someone starts demonstrating signs of wanting to take their life they must be talked to in a manner that would not provoke them to do so. They must be counselled properly and  encouraged spiritually. For those who have been using drugs they need to be taken to rehabilitation centers. Such people should be shown love and closely be monitored by keeping close eye to them. Once one expresses signs of stress and depression they need a talk finding out what causes them to feel stressed and addressing them politely. If someone has tried suecide and has survived they need to be rushed to hospital before they die. For suecidal cases it's not that one wants to die but wants to take pain out of their hearts. Educating society on how to identify and notice people who are likely to commit this act is more of important.lagal measures should come across to those who attempt it. Being each other keepers is also good. Praying and encouraging this people who show signs would make significant change.


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